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Starting a global business from Uni

Techweek TV: Starting a global business from Uni

Co-founder & CEO of Vxt, Luke Campbell, shares his story about starting a high growth software startup as a student at University and transitioning it from a side hustle to scaling internationally

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Wednesday 26 May
3:00pm - 3:30pm


Nationwide (more than one region)
Starting a global business from Uni

What's it all about?

Co-founder & CEO of Vxt, Luke Campbell, shares his story about starting a high growth software startup as a student at University and transitioning it from a side hustle to scaling internationally


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Luke Campbell

Luke co-founded the software company Vxt, in 2018 as a full-time student at UC. His team now includes staff in Australia & New Zealand and serves thousands of customers all over the world. Today, we're talking about his story and thoughts on what it takes to build a startup.

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