FAQ for your events

What is a Techweek event? 

Techweek is a platform to showcase tech and innovation in New Zealand. Any event that focuses on tech in New Zealand can be involved. This could be anything from a networking event to an open day or a conference.


Who can host a Techweek event? 

Everyone! Use our helpful tips to generate ideas and organise your event: 

7 top tips for planning your Techweek event 

Popular event types at Techweek


What format will Techweek21 be in? 

Techweek2021 will be a mix of live, virtual and hybrid events running throughout New Zealand.


What are the key dates for Techweek2021?

Monday 25 Jan - Event submissions opened 

Week commencing 1 March - Reviewing of event submissions commenced

Wednesday 24 March - Round one event submissions confirmed and finalised

Tuesday 6 April - Programme announced

Friday 30 April (5pm) - Final date for event submissions (part-one and part-two must be finalised)

22 – 30 May - Techweek2021 (Techweek TV runs 24 - 28 May)


What type of events can be a part of Techweek21?

Techweek is all about showcasing your technology and innovation and we welcome all realms of tech! This year we will have ten event themes, of which your event should align with at least one.


Taking tech to the world - Showcase how New Zealand local tech businesses are succeeding on the global stage. Inspire others.

Attracting tech investment - An opportunity to raise the profile of your business and NZ as an attractive destination for technology, and innovation investment and research. 

Attracting tech talent - An opportunity for businesses and regions to raise their profile as a place where top quality tech talent wants to work and live.

Celebrating regional stories - Tech-related examples of inspiration, education and commercial success for local regions throughout New Zealand.

Start-up stories: Success for Entrepreneurs, Small Businesses & SME's - An educational and inspirational showcase of success for start-ups, entrepreneurs and small businesses. Ways to digitally enable small businesses.

Accelerating business growth with tech - Informative and inspirational examples of New Zealand businesses enabling exponential growth through tech. Or ways to grow your business.

Inspiring tech careers for the next generation - Encourage and inspire vocational pathways into tech by connecting young people and their families/teachers with employers and business. 

Future tech workforce: Career change pathways - Encourage and inspire people to consider a new career in tech.

Connecting communities - Inspire people to engage with technology and the tech sector with events in local schools and/or events for whanau and kids, seniors, and community groups.

Good for the world: Sustainable innovation and technology - Showcase the role technology can play in well-being, sustainability, digital inclusion, climate change, cleantech and making the world a better place


If you are unsure which event theme your event fits into, please contact us prior to submission.


Is there a cost to register and run events?

Yes. There is a small fee of $49.00 plus GST per event. This fee goes towards running costs for Techweek such as the website platform and digital marketing campaigns. 

If you plan to run multiple events (e.g. different events and/or different locations), please submit a separate listing for each event. Note you will be required to pay the standard event fee of $49.00 plus GST for each event. However, if your single event runs across multiple days (e.g. starts Monday morning and ends Tuesday evening), this should be submitted as one event and you will only pay a single event fee of $49.00 plus GST.


What happens after I submit my event?

Following submission of your event, our team will review your application and will be in touch with you.


Who is the audience for Techweek21?

Techweek prides itself at spanning a broad audience, including:

  • Business owners (73% of the attendance for the 2020 event)

  • Community

  • International market

  • Non tech organisations

  • Students (5 to 18+ years)


Will TechweekTV be running?

Yes. TechweekTV will again be running a series of live, online video sessions broadcasting on the Techweek website during the festival (Mon - Fri only). We'll have interactive panel discussions and presentations giving you access to the brightest tech minds in Aotearoa. If you miss out on the live events, you'll also be able to view these on-demand after the festival.


Do you have sponsorship options? 

Yes we do, we have three levels of partnership opportunities with Techweek for 2021. If you are interested in finding out more please contact us for a Partnership Proposal document and information.


How can I connect with like minded individuals? 

This year we have set up the Techweek21 Discussion Forum through a private Facebook Group. This is an informal platform for Event Organisers / Regional Coordinators / Sponsors and others interested in Techweek to connect, collaborate and chat about all things Techweek!

Here you can post your thoughts, ideas and questions on events, speakers and venues. Find answers here, or post your questions and the Techweek Team will answer them.