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The role of tech, for good.

Do you want to create a world where everyone has the potential to thrive? Join us for this workshop & learn how tech can be used, for good.


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Thursday 27 May
8:00am - 11:00am

Tech Futures Lab,
99 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton, Auckland, New Zealand
Paid event
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What's it all about?

Tech innovation has for the most part been focused on the new, the exciting and the shiny. And this has led to many instances of ethically short-sighted tech solutions that have contributed to social division, wide spread misinformation and a disconnection of humanity from the planet.

Now it’s time to redeploy technology to help us tackle the big challenges - climate change, well-being, diversity and inclusion to create a world where everyone has a real potential to thrive.

In this collaborative workshop, we bring together the left and right hemispheres of logical and creative thinking for a holistic look at how tech can be used for good.

We’ve designed the session as a perfect opportunity to bring together two halves of a business that might not cross paths often enough, but definitely should! Management and front line; distribution and marketing; finance and IT – by bringing together different parts of your business you’ll get fresh thinking for ideas that might not usually get voiced. And, buying two tickets together has a financial benefit too!

You’ll be introduced to emerging technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), how connectivity becomes less of a hurdle with 5G and why big data analytics isn’t just for big corporates and tech giants.

All of these technologies can be used as a force for good - to support emissions reductions, to allow all voices to be heard and to make visible those who need to be seen.

We all want to do good and leave the world in a better state than we found it. This is your chance to start that conversation at your workplace, in your organisation or in your community. 


Book now


This event uses an external ticketing provider. You will be redirected to their ticketing system once you click to book.

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