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The AI Debate: AI Delivers Better Customer Experience Than Humans

Agree or disagree? Be bold – take a side and get involved! Join us for a dynamic, inclusive debate on the 26 May 2021


Wednesday 26 May
4:30pm - 7:00pm

NZME's iheartradio lounge,
2 Graham Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland
Paid event
Techweek debate pic

What's it all about?

"Artificial Intelligence delivers better experiences for customers than humans do.” Agree or disagree? Join us for a dynamic, inclusive debate.

As one of the leading trends in technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to grow in popularity for businesses. Many brands now use it as an essential tool to provide hyper-personalised, and engaging customer experiences. 

Content curated around your identity and inferred or declared preferences, your favourite elevator music on repeat while you’re lucky number 11 in the queue, chatting away in an automated conversation whilst you shop online  – How far can content be personalised before it becomes an echo chamber? And what does this all mean for the future of customer experience?

Ambit & New Zealand Media and Entertainment (NZME) bring together some of New Zealand’s most experienced, and opinionated, thought leaders to share their experiences in the form of a debate on the topic: "AI delivers better experiences for customers than humans do."

Two teams will thrash it out, and there will be ample opportunity for the audience to get involved!

Join us for a thought-provoking, participatory evening, complete with drinks, snacks and plenty of networking opportunities.

View the event website for more information.


David Seymour

Party Leader, ACT New Zealand

Sarah Pritchett

Head of Digital Product, NZME

John Bolton

Managing Director, Squirrel

Lena Waizenegger

Researcher, AUT

Sam Stubbs

Managing Director, Simplicity

Nuwanthie Samarakone

Entrepreneur & Board Director

Shayne Currie

Managing Editor, NZME


The AI Debate

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  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Information and communications technology
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